RS Automotive Core - ld icon 24

1+ million

Automotive parts

RS Automotive Core - ld icon 22


Cloud Software Development

RS Automotive Core - ld icon 15 white


Sales & Business Efficiency


RS Automotive Core is at the forefront of trading used vehicle parts, boasting an inventory of over 1,000,000 items.

The Challenge

The company’s past stock management system was becoming a bottleneck. Initially tailored from an older system, it began to lag due to RS Automotive’s rapid growth. As their parts inventory swelled, simple tasks like product searches became sluggish and inefficient. The urgent need was clear: a new system crafted with optimal database design for speedy product searches, and a seamless transition from the old platform.

The Solution

Our approach was holistic, ensuring RS Automotive would have a system not just for the present, but also adaptable for the future.

  • Tailored Design: We built a fresh, online stock control platform equipped with an enhanced user interface and enriched features.
  • Data Migration: Successfully transitioned thousands of products to the new system, accompanying them with product photos.
  • Smart Searching: Introduced intuitive search filters to zero in on products, saving precious time.
  • Client-Centric Functionality: Empowered RS Automotive to add fresh content, ensuring the system grows with their needs.
  • Post-launch Excellence: The platform now not only pinpoints specific parts but also suggests equivalents from different brands and search times have improved significantly.
  • Management data: From stock levels to sales histories, information is now at RS Automotive’s fingertips.
  • Going Mobile: Recognising the need for on-the-go access, we developed a mobile app, further streamlining the sales processes.

The result? An agile, efficient system matching the pace and ambition of RS Automotive Core.

RS Automotive Core - ground up development
RS Automotive Core - shape img cta

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